How to Sell Your Food Truck

So you’ve decided you want to sell your food truck. Whatever led you to that decision, whether it’s because the food truck business didn’t pan out the way you wanted, or it went well so you’re opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant soon, you shouldn’t just create a listing for the food truck and leave it at that. There are a few things you need to take care of first.

What You Need to Know When Selling a Food Truck

The first thing you need to remember about selling a used vehicle is that the better condition it’s in, the more you can earn from the sale. Making sure your food truck doesn’t just look good but can operate as smoothly as possible isn’t just about cleanliness, but also about letting potential buyers know that they’re getting a good deal and they won’t have to worry about maintenance or repairs for some time.

Making sure you clean the food truck both inside and outside is the best place to start when wanting to make the vehicle look good. Clean the kitchen equipment as thoroughly as you can, and throw any trash from both the cab and the kitchen. Don’t forget about any bumper stickers and decals that aren’t part of the food truck’s wrap.

Next, you’ll want to check that you have a record of any maintenance and repair work done to the food truck so that potential owners know when they can expect to bring it in. Check the food truck all over, too, and fix any minor problems you may spot. When it comes to making a listing for the food truck, the fewer problems you’ll have to include in the description, the better.

Speaking of descriptions, you’ll also want to take some time to come up with an interesting description and an attention-grabbing headline. You want people to find your listing, after all, so be as descriptive as possible and include features that potential buyers will be looking for.

Finally, don’t set your asking price too high. As counterintuitive as it sounds, it’s best to start with a lower base price, because this will bring in the bidders. Once that happens, potential buyers will try to outdo one another when it comes to their offers, so you may end up earning more than you expected.

3 Tips on Selling Your Food Truck

Decide what you are selling - the truck or business?

First, decide on whether you’re selling just the food truck, or the business as well. If you’re selling the business too, then you can decide on a higher base price, especially if you’ve built a successful food truck business. You’ll also want to think about whether or not you’re keeping some of the kitchen equipment. If you’re selling all the equipment with the truck, that’s another reason to list a higher base price.

Create an effective description

Next, make a list of anything and everything that you want to include in the description, from the make and model of the food truck, to whether it has manual or automatic transmission, to the dimensions of the cab and the kitchen. Pay attention to the headline, too, and make sure it’s something that will make potential buyers want to click on the listing and learn more.

Use high-quality photos to promote your truck

Finally, don’t forget to take a lot of good-quality photos for you to include in the listing. These are supposed to pique a buyer’s interest further and should be a good substitute for an in-person walkaround where the buyer inspects the food truck.

Now that you know what you need to sell your food truck, all that’s left is to actually gather the necessary paperwork and information and then use our website to create a FREE seller profile.

You can contact our friendly team at 601-651-3008 or send us a message for immediate assistance. For samples of listings, you can visit this page.