Shaved Ice Truck Business: What You Need to Know

Did you know that your favorite shaved ice actually has its origins in the Orient, particularly Japan? Reports show the ‘kakigōri’ which was evident during the Heian period a thousand years ago, was made of shavings from an ice block with sweet syrup blended into the mix.

Amazing? Yes, but even more astonishing is the fact that among the US states, Hawaii is touted as the most famous for shaved ice desserts. Coincidentally, the Aloha State’s ice dessert also has its beginnings in East Asia!

Shaved Ice vs Snow Cone

You might be wondering if such a sugary dessert of yesteryears and that in Hawaii is also similar to what we now call ‘snow cones’ at present, sold in the different parts of mainland USA. Well, experts say, the real shaved ice product is typically composed of very fine shavings almost to the texture of freshly-fallen snow. Generally, shaved ice has a closer resemblance to ice cream in its fluffiness, softness, and creaminess. Meanwhile, snow cones normally consist of larger ice granules that are crunchy to the bite.
So there, don’t be confused as to whatever you’re having. After all, it’s still the same flavored ice you love to slurp during the hot season when you’re feeling sticky and exhausted.

What’s special about Hawaii’s ice desserts is that several items are added below the ice which may include fresh fruits like strawberry or pineapple, nuts, ice cream, and so on. Some of these chilly products are topped with condensed milk or coconut milk for that creamy goodness.

At this moment, do you really think it’s smart to invest in this venture? If so, then be ready to shop around for a shaved ice truck for sale. It’s now easy to find those vehicles since the Internet offers a trove of information. Prepare all things technical before making your first purchase.

Challenges of the Business

Experts note, that putting up a shaved ice truck business isn’t quite like operating your usual food truck. Why? Because this icy business is seasonal, with sales peak obvious during the hot summer months which is from June to August. However, you can still continue operating if you’re lucky to live in an area with a warm climate year-round.

If you really desire to make money, other major factors to look into are location, reputation, and market. Location can greatly impact your profitably but finding a site strategic to your business can be hard. For one thing, zoning laws and city ordinances impose certain restrictions on food trucks.

For another, there may already be existing competitors in your desired place even before you thought of getting to that area. So, where else can you find your customers? Take note, be ready with multiple choices if your Plan A fails.    

Another major consideration is truck fuel and maintenance. If for any reason, your commodity won’t sell briskly as expected, you must, again, have a backup plan for sustainability. Your problem then would be how to generate enough revenues to be able to defray ongoing expenses such as ingredients and supplies like ice, syrup flavorings, straws, napkins, cones or cups, and so forth.

There are still other factors to look into to ensure business success. Include them in your business plan.

Shaved Ice Truck Business Ideas

For extra sales, it’s also good to sell these items alongside your flavored ice:
  • Small cake slices
  • Bread and pastry rolls
  • Corn-on-the-cob
  • Ice cream
Amidst all these, finding a good shaved ice truck for sale must be your priority. Discover the best deals here at We have a wide selection of used food trucks for sale here or you can contact us at 601-651-3008 or send us a message for expert assistance.